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Distinguished expert visits HAITC

Updated: Nov 16, 2023

Chris Ryan, a renowned tourism expert, visited HNU-ASU Joint International Tourism College, Hainan University (HAITC) on Nov 7 to participate in its global tourism forum, on which he delivered a lecture titled “Do not forget the simple things before rushing to inferential statistics”.  


Ryan delivers a lecture. [Photo/WeChat account: HAITC] 

The lecture revolved around inferential statistics, covering topics such as statistical assumptions, samples, regression analysis, datasets, graphs and results. 

The professor used real data as examples to explain how to formulate appropriate research hypotheses, determine the sample size and conduct regression analysis using statistical software. He also taught how to analyze statistical results and graphs and discussed overlooked details and common errors, offering effective measures to avoid them. 


Ryan delivers a lecture about inferential statistics. [Photo/WeChat account: HAITC] 

HAITC’s teachers and students exchanged their ideas with Ryan in the Q&A session. This lecture left a profound impression on the participants and greatly benefited them. 

Ryan is a member of the International Academy for the Study of Tourism and professor and director of the China-New Zealand Tourism Research Unit at the University of Waikato Management School. 

He has been a consulting expert for the Asia-Pacific Economic Cooperation (APEC) Tourism Ministerial Meeting, the World Tourism Organization (UNWTO), the New Zealand government and various tourism enterprises and organizations. 

He founded the authoritative tourism journal Tourism Management Perspectives and has served as the editor-in-chief of the top tourism journal Tourism Management for over 20 years, making outstanding contributions in tourism theory, national and regional tourism development policies and tourist behavior research. 


Teachers and students of HAITC listen to the lecture. [Photo/WeChat account: HAITC]